Famed archaeologist/adventurer Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones is called back into action when he becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover the secret behind mysterious artifacts known as the Crystal Skulls
Tanggal rilis: 22 Mei 2008
Sutradara:Steven Spielberg
Starring :Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Ray Winstone, Jim Broadbent
Sinopsis: Berlatar belakang Perang Dingin tahun 1957, Indy (Harrison Ford) bersaing untuk mendapatkan Tengkorak Kristal melawan operandi-operandi yang dijalankan oleh Uni Soviet. Petualangan ini membawanya menuju New Meksiko, Connecticut, Mexico City dan hutan-hutan di Peru
Visit : www.indianajones.com
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